Venus Mask V-90 ISI Mark
V-90 ISI Mark High Technology filter media with micro fiber Bagging, cement, cola industries, construction, distillation & breweries, drilling dyes & dyestuffs, metallurgical industries grinding glass etching, grinding, paper processing sweeping, textile, tire, tobacco processing wood working etc
Mask 3M 8710
ISI Mask Metal nose clip, combination of polypropylene and polyester fabric. Cement, coal industries, construction, textile, wood working, tobacco processing, pharmaceutical foundries, fertilizers, glass, paper industries etc
Mask 3M 8210-N95
ISI Mask Metal nose clip, combination of polypropylene and polyester fabric. Cement, coal industries, construction, textile, wood working, tobacco processing, pharmaceutical foundries, fertilizers, glass, paper industries etc
Half Cartridge Mask
Venus Made from soft TPE material Suitable for organic vapor inorganic gas, acid gas ammonia gas and multi gas
Full Face Mask
Venus Face piece made from neoprene Suitable for chemical, allied, pharmaceuticals, metal work, palming, automobile, construction, paint industries, paper, rubber, dyes & dyestuff ceramics, battery industries etc
Non woven fabric with two elastic ear loop band, Ultra socially sealed Suitable for dust / powder protection good for pharmaceutical and bacterial filtration
Doctor Cap
Cap is made of non woven material Suitable for food and pharmaceutical industries and hospitals, restaurants, kitchens, etc
Non Woven Mask
Non woven fabric with foam, with single elastic band Suitable for dust / powder protection cement, coal industries, construction textile, wood working, tobacco processing pharmaceutical foundries, fertilizers, glass, paper industries etc